A multiple space and time scale approach for the quantification of deep saline formations for CO2 storage
MUSTANG is a four year large-scale integrating project to span from 2009 to 2013 and to be funded by the EU FP7, under the coordination of the Uppsala University. The MUSTANG consortium comprises 19 institutions. It aims at developing guidelines, methods and tools for the characterization of deep saline aquifers for long term storage of CO2, based on a solid scientific understanding of the underlying critical processes. Field investigation technologies specifically suited to CO2 storage will be improved and developed. These are destined to improve the determination of the relevant physical and chemical properties of the site, and enabling short response times in the detection and monitoring of CO2 plumes in the reservoir and overburden during both the injection and containment phases. An improved understanding of the relevant processes of CO2 spreading is aimed at by means of theoretical investigations, laboratory experiments, natural analogue studies as well as a dedicated field scale injection test, to take place at the Heletz site (Israel).